Automated Testing Update


A while back, I posted a message about an effort to improve automated testing in the Asterisk project. I wanted to give an update on how that project has progressed for those that have not been following along very closely.

We started using Bamboo as a continuous integration tool, which you can find running at Note that some of the pass/fail statistics on there are a bit skewed, as the Bamboo server was just rebuilt and things were failing as everything was put back together.

A lot of really good automated test cases have been developed, and more are constantly being added. There are currently 85 test cases that run against Asterisk trunk after every change to the code. While some tests are small in scope, many of them cover significant call scenarios, such as various methods of doing transfers and call parking.

I apologize for the previous flood of Bamboo emails to the -dev list. 🙂 I now have a new mailing list created for those that would like to subscribe to those messages.

Additionally, one of the latest updates to our Bamboo setup is automated testing code coverage analysis. It will tell us exactly what code ran as a result of our automated test cases. It provides a good metric to start using to help identify areas of Asterisk that are in need of more test cases. You can find the code coverage reports for the latest builds of Asterisk trunk and 1.8 on Linux in the artifacts tab when viewing the details of a build.

I’m proud of the progress we have made so far and am excited to continue aggressive development of automated test cases for Asterisk. The tests we have are already catching problems on a regular basis. The resulting quality improvements make the job of the development team easier, as well as result in a better experience for end users.

If you’re looking for a way to contribute to Asterisk and you are more comfortable writing scripts instead of C code, then the external test suite is a great way to get involved and help out.

Thank you all for your continued support of Asterisk!

Best Regards,

Russell Bryant
Digium, Inc. | Engineering Manager, Open Source Software
445 Jan Davis Drive NW – Huntsville, AL 35806 – USA
jabber: -=- skype: russell-bryant -=- -=-

LibPRI 1.4.12-beta1 Now Available

The Asterisk Development Team has announced the release of libpri version 1.4.12-beta1. This release is available for immediate download at

This beta release contains some fixes and several new features, among them:

  1. ETSI and Q.SIG Call Completion Supplementary Service (CCSS) support
  2. ETSI Advice Of Charge (AOC) support
  3. ETSI Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) support
  4. ETSI Call Waiting support for ISDN phones
  5. ETSI Malicious Call ID support

For a full list of changes in the current release candidate, please see the ChangeLog:

Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!

Asterisk 1.8.0-beta1 Now Available

The Asterisk Development Team has announced the release of Asterisk 1.8.0-beta1. This release marks the beginning of the testing process for the eventual release of Asterisk 1.8.0.

This release is available for immediate download at

All interested users of Asterisk are encouraged to participate in the 1.8 testing process. Please report any issues found to the issue tracker, It is also very useful to hear successful test reports. Please post those to the asterisk-dev mailing list.

Asterisk 1.8 is the next major release series of Asterisk. It will be a Long Term Support (LTS) release, similar to Asterisk 1.4. For more information about support time lines for Asterisk releases, see the Asterisk versions page.

Asterisk 1.8 contains many new features over previous releases of Asterisk. A short list of included features includes:

  • Secure RTP
  • IPv6 Support
  • Connected Party Identification Support
  • Calendaring Integration
  • A new call logging system, Channel Event Logging (CEL)
  • Distributed Device State using Jabber/XMPP PubSub
  • Call Completion Supplementary Services support
  • Advice of Charge support
  • Much, much more!

A full list of new features can be found in the CHANGES file.

For a full list of changes in the current release, please see the ChangeLog:

Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!

Asterisk 1.8 beta is near …

Asterisk 1.8 will be the next major release of Asterisk with Long Term Support. It has been under heavy development for a while now. The first beta release of Asterisk 1.8 will be available by the end of July 2010.

There are many exciting features in Asterisk 1.8. Here are just a couple of the more recent changes that have been merged in:

  • IPv6: Asterisk 1.8 will have IPv6 support for SIP and RTP.
  • SRTP: Asterisk 1.8 will have support for secure RTP to allow the media to be encrypted for a SIP call.

The list of new features is quite long. Take a look for a list of what is in Asterisk trunk (which will soon become Asterisk 1.8).

When Asterisk 1.8 is available as a beta and release candidate, please help by testing things out to help make this the best release yet!